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Our flexible forward services allow you to lock in an exchange rate for the future

Our flexible forward services allow you to lock in an exchange rate for the future

Flexible Forward

Securing an exchange rate through a flexible forward contract provides you the freedom to utilize the contract at any point during its duration, ensuring that you know the exact exchange rate on the day you need to settle the contract.

For situations where the exact date of your foreign exchange (FX) requirement is uncertain, window forwards offer the flexibility to lock in a rate and use it whenever needed within a specified period.

To accommodate multiple payments over the course of your contract and ensure the agreed total amount is settled by the value date or maturity date, you can draw down funds when invoices or required settlement dates arise. Additionally, depending on your specific financial needs, we can assist in improving your cash flow by reducing the initial deposit requirement.

When it comes to making currency purchasing decisions, we understand that they are based on educated estimates. Our team of experts is available to help you navigate the complexities of the global marketplace and provide guidance tailored to your unique requirements.

At OA Capital, forward contracts function by offering businesses protection against currency fluctuations without the need to purchase currency upfront on the spot market. With a fixed rate provided, uncertainties are eliminated.

To ensure you have a strategic advantage, our dedicated analysts offer personalised and proactive insights, guiding market entry up to three months into the future.

We take pride in serving numerous clients who rely on our knowledge and expertise to consistently gain a competitive edge.

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